Friday 18 October 2013

Why being a girl or boy makes difference...

I still remember when i was in school and wanted to go to a friends house for a night stay i had to convince my parents so much and after that they would let me allow or sometime even they won't but maximum times it was a no.. when today i see my younger brother he does not even care to inform about his night stay at his friends when my parents would call him up worried why is he yet not home he would say i am staying at my friends home. nothing my parents won't scold him would not even know at which friends house he is staying many of times.i am not complaining my father was doing wrong with me but he was and is protective he does not want i should get into any trouble.
So today i just have one request for every parents instead of stopping girls from living the life they want why not teach boys to behave, to respect girls, to consider them equal. if every parent start doing this the time would come when no parents will be worried to send their daughter's to her friends for night stay or be worried if their she get a little late coming home.

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