Friday 18 October 2013

share and learn

If i write something sad about my life does not mean i am not happy i always have complains. It is just a part of my life. I am happy person, doctor by profession having a successful career, have a lovely family. I am a normal girl next door. I am not an expert blogger nor am i very proficient in English but yes i want to make a little contribution in someone's life who needs it. Even if reading my blog helps a single person i would be happy.
Nobody's life is perfect but happiness lies in those imperfections. If life would have been perfect it would be too monotonous and boring. Problems in our life give us a change, make us a stronger person, teach us lessons. It's you who has to decide you want to be sad thinking of all the problems in your life your be positive and wait for the night to end to see the sunshine...


Image courtesy : 1 

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