Friday 25 October 2013

The House Maker

In India many women are still housewives. so what if they don't earn they don't get paid but compared to every member in the house a women is the person who works the most. She is very rightly known as house maker. she makes our lives so easy. if she gets sick for just one day imagine how your life would be. she wakes up before everybody else and goes to sleep after everybody and still she does not ever complain about it. imagine yourself working continuous for a month without any holidays!!! You would say how can we do that we of course need a break. But what about the house wives?? do they get leaves?? A girl who was an angel for her parents suddenly gets married and becomes a house wife. suddenly there are so many responsibilities. she is new to family but she adjust she takes care of everybody and the little angel grows up. with smile on her face she takes up the responsibility. so what we do to help her??
    If you can't help her at least take care of your things, if you don't know how to cook just go and stand by her and talk to her how was her day what did she do and i promise she would not expect more than that. help her she is not an unpaid servant of your house. she needs to be taken care of , she deserves a break.
   so this weekend give break to your wives, mother and let her enjoy her weekend. one day can make a lot of difference.

Friday 18 October 2013

share and learn

If i write something sad about my life does not mean i am not happy i always have complains. It is just a part of my life. I am happy person, doctor by profession having a successful career, have a lovely family. I am a normal girl next door. I am not an expert blogger nor am i very proficient in English but yes i want to make a little contribution in someone's life who needs it. Even if reading my blog helps a single person i would be happy.
Nobody's life is perfect but happiness lies in those imperfections. If life would have been perfect it would be too monotonous and boring. Problems in our life give us a change, make us a stronger person, teach us lessons. It's you who has to decide you want to be sad thinking of all the problems in your life your be positive and wait for the night to end to see the sunshine...


Image courtesy : 1 

Why being a girl or boy makes difference...

I still remember when i was in school and wanted to go to a friends house for a night stay i had to convince my parents so much and after that they would let me allow or sometime even they won't but maximum times it was a no.. when today i see my younger brother he does not even care to inform about his night stay at his friends when my parents would call him up worried why is he yet not home he would say i am staying at my friends home. nothing my parents won't scold him would not even know at which friends house he is staying many of times.i am not complaining my father was doing wrong with me but he was and is protective he does not want i should get into any trouble.
So today i just have one request for every parents instead of stopping girls from living the life they want why not teach boys to behave, to respect girls, to consider them equal. if every parent start doing this the time would come when no parents will be worried to send their daughter's to her friends for night stay or be worried if their she get a little late coming home.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Two men of my life

My first love and every girl's first love is her dad. For me he was and will always be my role model. he has protected me, loved me, cared for me. he was my only love till i went to my college where i met the love of my life the perfect life partner for me. life was perfect but the day came when i called him to my home to meet my father. I was happy i knew my father would trust my choice he would let me live my life but my dreams shattered when i realized he was still the protective and possessive father who feared the society. It was a big no from his side i tried and tried to convince him but all in vain. And here i am in the midst of my life in where i have to decide whom i love more and i have no answer..